SO many good things come with Cinnamon involved…why not just cut out having to find and try them all and go in big now and adopt Cinnamon. He will truly be a blessing to anyone luck enough to find this gentleman. Cinnamon has a story, we don’t know it all but we do know that he was a much loved dog with a senior owner who could not care for him anymore. Luckily Cinnamon caught a ride to the farm looking for his new furever and has been adjusting really well to a very unexpected lifestyle change. That being said, he is READY for home living again.

Cinnamon is a terrier mix who weighs about 50 lbs full grown. He is old enough to know better on LOTS of things and will provide to be a quiet, well behaved, mature and loving companion who demands little and gives lots. Cinnamon has done well with lady friends at the farm though very much prefers doggo companionship that like him is low key and easy going. He would be totally fine as an only dog too. He is good on leash, knows where to potty and comes with lots of life skills already.

Cinnamon knows his days of being a hunky young hottie may have passed as the years have gone by but this guy is a true gentleman and would be one of the best presents you could give yourself! For more information, visit To order one of their awesome St Patty’s Day shirts, click here!
Check him out!