Our QDR Hometown Hero of the week is Lt. Dominic Alvarado, a Lieutenant for the Harnett County Sheriff’s Department.
Dominic was nominated by his wife Melinda who says, “My husband, Lt. Dominic Alvarado, has worked for the Harnett County Sheriff’s Office for 15 years. He started working the roads and quickly became a School Resource Officer. Dominic’s passion is building relationships with students and creating positive memories between kids and law enforcement officers. Dominic later taught the GREAT program (used to be DARE – GREAT – Gang Resistance Education and Training). Dominic taught GREAT for 7 years, teaching thousands of fifth grade students the dangers of doing drugs and joining gangs. As a minority, Dominic has inspired many young adults to aspire to become a law enforcement officer, some of which are now applying at the Harnett County Sheriff’s office for a position. Over the past 15 years, Dominic has worn many hats over the years: President of Shop with the Sheriff (program that takes children shopping at Christmas), Coordinator of Project Life Saver (program that supplies monitors for elderly or special needs), manages numerous neighborhood watches, and represents the Sheriff’s Office at many local festivals and activities. Dominic has a true passion for people and loves having a positive influence on his community that has given him so much over the years. He is a hard worker, a passionate law enforcement officer, an amazing husband, and wonderful father.”
Thank you, Dominic, for your service! As a token of our appreciation, we’re sending you a 4-pack of tickets for Carolina Mudcats Baseball, and a $50 gift card to Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q to thank you for all you do.
Want to nominate a Hometown Hero?