Our QDR Hometown Hero of the week is Will Potter, Chief of Carrboro Fire and Rescue Department.
Will was nominated by his mom Valerie who says, “Will was just promoted to Fire Chief of Carrboro Fire- Rescue Department. As a little boy and throughout the remainder of his youth, Will always said he wanted to be a firefighter. I’ve always been proud of Will’s commitment to the fire service and his unique sense of calling that began just after the tragedies of 9/11. Somehow, he got bit by that crazy bug that causes one to run into a burning building rather than away from it. From 8th grade on, he has dedicated his life to helping others through his work as a firefighter first as a part of the ride-along program at Carrboro Fire and as a junior firefighter with the New Hope Fire Department. He joined the force officially just 6 months after graduating from high school and has been a fixture at the Carrboro Fire Department ever since. 16 years of working tirelessly, waking up in the middle of the night and responding to all sorts of calls alongside his other brothers and sisters in the fire service and EMS. Truly, I do not think our hometown could have found a more dedicated and driven servant-leader to not only shape the minds, careers, and lives of those he will lead, but also who will give his all to ensure each resident of Carrboro is protected as well as possible from the danger of fires. He has already left and will continue to create a legacy of homegrown heroes who pour back into the community that’s given each of us so much. We love you, son! Your Dad and I can’t begin to express how proud we are of you and to be your parents! We are all better having witnessed your example. Congratulations, Chief Potter!”
Thank you, Will, for your service! As a token of our appreciation, we’re sending you a $50 gift card to Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q to thank you for all you do.
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