Our QDR Hometown Hero of the week is Cody Parker.
Cody was nominated by TeAnne Russell who says, “Cody is a firefighter at the Heartsease Volunteer Fire Department and a corrections officer. He dedicates his life to others. As a corrections officer, he goes to work with dangerous criminals, never knowing what he may have to encounter daily. All the while, he never forgets that the people in our prisons are still people and deserve to be treated as such. He spends his off time waiting for tones to drop, so he can run to save someone and/or their property. Whether his call to service is to be an interior firefighter, exterior firefighter, or a safety officer to look out for those around him. He is fearless in all that he does and sometimes has to be reminded that he is important too. He tries to lead by example and is willing to do whatever the job may take. He tries to teach his kids the importance of what he does and why it is so important for him to run when they hear the tones drop.”
Thank you, Cody, for your service! As a token of our appreciation, we’re sending you a $50 gift card to Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q to thank you for all you do.
Want to nominate a Hometown Hero?