Our QDR Hometown Hero of the Week is David Braswell, Captain for the Castalia Volunteer Fire Department.
David was nominated by Anna Joyner, who says “Captain David Braswell has been serving the community for over 38 years with the Castalia Volunteer Fire Department. David is fondly known as “Pac Man” to those closest to him. Many in the community and fire service have him to thank as a teacher, leader and, helper. Those of us most fortunate, get to call him a friend and a brother.” David is currently battling pancreatic cancer and was recently recognized by the town of Castalia for his excellence in community service. Our thoughts and prayers are with this hometown hero as he fights the biggest battle of his life. Thank you for what you do for our community.
Thank you, David, for your service! As a token of our appreciation, we’re sending you a $50 gift card to Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q to thank you for all you do.
Want to nominate a Hometown Hero?