Our QDR Hometown Hero of the Week is Corporal Anthony Locklear, Traffic Investigations and Enforcement Unit Officer for Holly Springs.
Corporal Locklear was nominated by Alan Laws who says, “I have had the pleasure to work with Locklear in some capacity over the last 16 years and supervise him for the last 4 1/2 of those. He is currently assigned to my team in Traffic Investigations and Enforcement Unit. Locklear leads from the front and sets the example for others on this unit. He is always willing to stay late or come in early when needed. He has helped with fatal crashes, injury crashes, and goes out of his ways to assist families in the devastating events. This year, Locklear has received numerous officer compliments from within the Holly Springs community about his fairness, empathy, and professionalism. He teaches and assists in numerous different areas to include, RADAR, LIDAR, SFSTs, and Firearms. He helps with the peer support team and assist those affected from a tragic situation or those that are dealing with more difficult personal issues. He is a thinker and thinks outside the box when trying to problem solve. He helps with traffic issues by co-working with engineering and DOT to find solutions. When needed, he steps up and assists our patrol division and other surrounding agencies. This year, while working his traffic assignment, he responded to an unconscious person call and started CPR ultimately saving this person’s life. Locklear is a family man who is dedicated to his children and wife. He coaches his son’s baseball team and has assisted several non-profit organizations around his own community from peer support to Autism awareness. Every year for the last few years, he has assisted this department in planning a motorcycle ride to benefit Special Olympics, helping raise thousands of dollars for this cause. Besides all of those services and accomplishments, he had been one of the best friends a person can have, and I am thankful for him a friend and co-worker.”
Thank you, Anthony, for your service! As a token of our appreciation, we’re sending you a $50 gift card to Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q to thank you for all you do.
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