Hey everyone! I’m Beluga, I am a little over 2 years old and am looking for a place to call my forever home. I am a very sweet and chirpy boy, overall am pretty laid back. I would do best in a home with kids age 12+. I can sometimes be a little nervous in new situations but get comfortable quickly if I have people around me to make me feel safe. I tolerate other cats but can be dominant with them so I would also be happiest as the only cat in the home. If you really want to know the way to my heart, offer me snacks. I love to eat. I will need my new family to keep up with portioned feedings, so I don’t get too chubby. I am FIV positive, but don’t let that deter you from considering me for adoption. Cats with FIV can often live long and normal lives, as long as they receive regular health care visits and a good diet. We make wonderful pets and are certainly deserving of a second chance! I can also live with other cats that don’t have FIV due to my laid-back personality. Feel free to contact us for more information about FIV or come to the adoption center and speak to one of our adoption team members. You can also fill out an application to get the adoption process started.