It’s Fursday! Meet Mopar!
Fluffy gentleman Mopar is a 10-year-old neutered male FIV+ cat. He’s got a big personality and a voice to match! He’s incredibly outgoing and is always the first cat to walk up to you when you go into his room. His little quirks make him incredibly fun to be around, like his obsession with running water or playing in the sink. He’s an absolute lovebug who’s always purring and asking for attention! His FIV means his immune system is suppressed so he’s more susceptible to illnesses and infections, and it is transmittable to other cats so he may not be able to live with just any cat.
Interested adopters can speak to their vet about FIV and whether it would fit in with their family! Interested adopters can find more information at
Here are the items we have the greatest need for right now:
- KMR Kitten Milk Replacer powder
- Miracle Nipples
- Snuggle Safe microwavable heating pads
- Kitchen scales
- Cat litter (clumping and non-clumping)
- High-quality cat & dog dry food
- Monetary donations so that we can purchase supplies as the needs arise