Our QDR Hometown Hero of the week is Cynthia Lee. Cynthia was nominated by Amy Honeycutt, who says, Cynthia is a nurse practitioner, but she gives more than medicine. She gives hugs, comfort, more hugs, and lots of love. When Cynthia is not manning the Covid testing center at Campbell university, or following the sports teams as their travel nurse, she is literally out saving the world. She raises money for children in Africa, and visits them to give supplies, medicine, and put joy. She volunteers at several camps for children with disabilities, as a nurse and counselor. She visits local hospices to provide comfort. She even leads a team of young legislators at the capital. Cynthia will never say she’s a hero. She’ll say it’s her pleasure to serve. But, she is a hero. She just doesn’t wear the cape.
Thank you for all that you do and as a token of our appreciation, we like to give you a $50 gift certificate to Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q to thank you for all you do!
Want to nominate a Hometown Hero?