This is Snacks. And her name does her justice as she’ll jump through hoops for a snack or two….or 100. She will give you major side eye on walks to check in with you and make sure you have treats on deck when she continues to be a certified good girl, not pulling on the leash, or barking at squirrels. She’s quick on her feet and will be lots of fun to train.

Need to make new friends or find a way to introduce yourself to that cute girl across the bar? Bring Snacks with you and you’ll be set. She’s a show stopper and gets pets and hello’s everywhere she goes. She does well with *most* dogs but needs someone to hold her hand and tell her that other dogs can be friends too. Snacks has been at the shelter since December 28th, 2022 and her 1.5 year old heart is ready for her forever home. Come meet her today, and maybe bring some snacks.
Kids 8+, worried by tag, grabby; Dogs: Little rude at first, settles to friendly sniffing. Slow/careful intros.

Check her out!