94.7 QDR is proud to shine the spotlight on Homegrown Carolina Country!
The Carolinas are rich with talented musicians and songwriters aspiring to be the next big country star. If that’s you then we want to hear from ya.
Email our show hosts for a chance to be featured on QDR’s Homegrown Carolina Country Show Sunday nights from 9pm – 9:30pm.
If selected, your song will be heard by thousands of QDR listeners tuning in each week across the Triangle. This could be your shot, don’t miss it!
*Music submissions should be studio quality for consideration of radio airplay.
Featured Artists
This Week:
QDR Homegrown Country: May 14th, 2023

Featured Artist: Liz Hopkins (of Delta Rae) (Raleigh)
She has a brand new single “Tough Love” released under her own name!

Jason Adamo (Raleigh) — “Room in a Heart”
Chip Perry Band (Silk Hope) — “Our Last Name”
Larry Frick (Louisburg) — “Mess I Made”
Parmalee (Greenville) — “Take my Name”
Mary Selvidge (Raleigh) — “Heart of a Mother”